JAMES K. MCCULLY,  President  &  General Director


Canadian Embassy

September 15, 1997

As Honorary Patrons for the 43rd National Opera Association Cenvention, we extend our best wishes to all participants. We are especially proud to welcome our Canadian artists and arts organizations who will be joining you this year in Washington, D.C.

We share with the world a love of opera and are extremely proud of its long history in Canada dating back to 1760. Canada presented its first opera in 1789 with Joseph Quesnel's production of Colas et Colinette, in Montreal. In recent years, Canada has established itself as a major world player in the creation of new opera productions. We are sure that the talented Canadians attending your convention will make a valuable contribution to your discussions and share their expertise on Canada's rich opera tradition.

Gatherings such as yours play a crucial role in ensuring the the world will enjoy extraordinary opera for generations to come. We wish you every success with the 1998 Convention. It is an event that will, undoubtably, serve to advance the world of opera.

Best wishes,

Raymond Cretien
Kay Cretien